plasticmetal for repairing defects and machining errors

plasticmetal from DIAMANT reliably repairs defects, fills cavities and corrects machining errors in castings. As a fast-curing polymer-bonded metal repair system, it is suitable for reducing the reject rate in the production of castings. Thanks to the high proportion of metal fillers, plasticmetal has a very good metal finish and can be machined and manually processed well.

Designed for demanding industrial applications, plasticmetal is resistant to physical, thermal and chemical influences.

plasticmetal fills reliably:

  • Blowholes,
  • wear spots
  • cavities
  • voids and missing holes


  • cast aluminium
  • grey cast iron
  • ferrous cast iron

Many years of experience with metal repair system plasticmetal

plasticmetal from DIAMANT Metallplastic is suitable as a metal repair compound for all applications due to its flexible system. The system consists of 14 metal powders and 6 hardener liquids, which can be mixed in freely selectable proportions. The viscosity varies from liquid to pasty. It should also be emphasised that even the smallest quantities can be mixed without any problems and stored for later work.


Your advantages

✔ can be applied directly at the worplace without special expertise
✔ no use of machines necessary
✔ freely combinable metal powder/hardener system
✔ feely definable mixing ratio for variable viscosity (liquid to paste-like)
✔ simple mixing withouc scales
✔ controlled curing
✔ excellent metal finish
✔ outstanding adhesion to all metals
✔ high compressive and tensile strenght
✔ high abrasion and wear resistance
✔ resistant to high continous temperatures up to 482° F (250° C)
✔ resistant to chemicals 
✔ overpaintable

Diamant Polymers, Inc.

World Wide Leader in Penetrants and Coatings
3495 Mustafa Dr
Cincinnati, Oh 45241

Office Phone  513-979-4011


Diamant Polymers, Inc.

World Wide Leader in Penetrants and Coatings
3495 Mustafa Dr
Cincinnati, Oh 45241

Office Phone  513-979-4011
